The Career Transition System
Who is this for?
Our Clients
We collaborate with individuals who embody the following characteristics:
- If you do not feel adequately appreciated, compensated, or in the right position in your current job.
- If you are unsure about the best approach to maximize the chances of even getting an invitation for an interview with your favorite employers.
- If you are unclear about how to present your professional past in an outstanding way to ensure that your future employer sees a strong “match” between what they are looking for and what you bring to the table.
- If you find yourself cold messaging “potentially interesting” HR professionals and recruiters on LinkedIn and not receiving enough positive responses.
- If you are using a “great Resume/CV template” that you purchased or downloaded from a supposedly “knowledgeable website” or that was “recommended by friends and family.
Discover your fit
Explore additional traits that define the ideal candidate
- If you are Copy-Pasting the content from your Resume/CV, merely change the name of the company and the date of the CV (hint: This is NOT adapting your documents to the specific context).
- If you are memorizing answers for your interviews instead of genuinely understanding and preparing for them.
- If you feel unprepared to communicate with your interviewers on an equal footing.
- If you struggle to articulate the impact of your previous work in a clear, concise, and quantifiable manner (NOT what you did, but the RESULT of what you did].
- If you believe that your future compensation is primarily influenced by negotiations that occur at the end of the recruiting process [for many clients, the increase in annual salary will be between 10-30+K USD – a potential sign-on bonus comes on top].
- If you think that interviewing cannot be an enjoyable and fulfilling activity (We have dedicated our professional lives to this, and despite having achieved top 1% careers, we assure you it can be both: Fun & Rewarding!).
Who is this NOT for?
We do not collaborate with individuals who exhibit the following characteristics.
- If you do not accept responsibility for your actions. We will be here to guide, assist, and encourage you, but it is critical that you ACT on the advice and guidance we provide.
- If you are difficult to work with. We believe in working with high energy and motivation, and we believe that a positive and “can-do” environment is essential for fruitful and enjoyable collaboration.