The Career
Transition System
Don't listen to us, listen to clients!

Alana L.
Senior Expert in leading global consultancy.
Jörn is a trusted partner and advisor whose
guidance has been invaluable in helping
me shape the next
segment of my career in alignment with my

Sabrina B.
chief of staff to the CFO – Leading global logistic player
if i had to characterize Jorn in three words, I would choose kins, experienced, and strategic. He is highly
skilled with regards to interviewing for highly selective positions, as well as in professional and leadership
development. Jorn contributes his unique perspective and persisitenly challenges the status quo. He not only
aids in fostering exceptional leadership qualities but also ensures that you remain grounded and connected to
your personal life.

Markus H.
Senior Management. Globally leading SaaS provider
I’ve known Jörn for a long itme, and he’s always been a real game-changer when it comes to boosting careers.
Back in the day, even early in his own career, he was known for helping out the new joiners at McKinsey and
turning them into top-notch, high-achieving consultants. Jöm’s super exible and won’t stop till he gets the job
done, no matter what. Plus, he’s got this amazing knack for handling all the tricky politics that go on in big
companies. These days, he helps me steer my way through the challenges of executive career paths, never
losing that rock-solid determination

Susanne K.
Director of a leading Think-Tank
Jorn is an exceptional thought leader in the realm of career development. He articulates his ideas with clarity,
empowering others to take effective action. He not only helped me gain a better understanding of my future
career options but also provided support throughout the entire process, from applicaiton to offer negotiation,
in attaining my prefered leadership position, Jorn skillfully shares his insights, yet allows room for personal
execution. This approach promotes career success while keeping the responsibility with his coaches at all

Our Respected Client
Simply put, Vinnie is one of the world’s best senior military transition leaders. He regularly steps out of hiscomfort zone so you won’t have to.How do I know? I’ve seen his dedication in action.Want proof? How does 25,174 sound?
That’s the number of klicks he travelled from Abu Dhabi to Clearwater Beach, Florida and back just to master the latest information at a key conference for résumé writers and professional career coaches. Over the last few months, I’ve gotten to know Vinnie very well indeed. Yes, he’s been where you have been.
And yes, by building a successful civilian career, he is where you want to be.
He got there by being hard on himself. He says he has to because he doesn’t have a job; he has a calling. Sohe thinks like you. He never relies on one-size-fits-all answers or packages. He’ll always give you the right solution or tell you when you’ll have it.
Vinnie drives himself to do that. It’s the only way he can go the extra mile tailoring what he offers right to your needs. Only a practiced, polished, patient listener like Vinnie can really pull it off. very well. Lots of people write résumés and offer career coaching. Vinnie helps you bridge the gap separating military and civilian cultures. He teaches lifetime skills well because he lives those same skills every day.
Yes, your friends, boss, HR managers, and colleagues may offer well-intentioned career advice. However, you can’t expect them to do all Vinnie has done, and continues to do, or to replace “folklore” with facts. May I make a suggestion? Think about your retirement ceremony in a new way. When you walk up on that stage, when the general reads the “citation to accompany the award” and your retirement orders, you will be the respected military leader you worked so hard to become for decades. When you leave the stage, nobody will know who you areUnless, of course, you have Vinnie in your corner helping you win the rewarding career you deserve!

Our Respected Client
Director of a leading Think-Tank
Thanks again for taking out time and checking in. This journey has been very transformational, a lot of candidates think once they get the over that’s end of the journey, but it’s much more than that. I think you guys have really equipped me well for my, journey (and still impacting me), which I am forever grateful for. Thanks again!

Our Respected Client
Senior Management. Globally leading SaaS provider
Verbatim ” I am one of the best candidates they*ve seen so far and laved how well
structured I am. They absolutely see me in
and had no improvement areas to mention. Keep performing like that”

Our Respected Client
Director of a leading Think-Tank
Hi Vinnie,
Well, after the interview, I didn’t think it went all that well. You can imagine my surprise, then, when I received an offer last Friday. I’m sorry I never got back in touch with you but since then it’s been a flurry of activity, along with the fact I’ve been on vacation in South Carolina since before I got the offer.
Thank you again for the awesome coaching on interviewing and the mock interview preparation, not have got this far without your assistance!! The techniques you taught me on using the 3Ps, taking soft control of the interview, then asking for the job all put me in the driver’s seat and I am now going to be an Actuarial Data Analyst! Iam so excited. Although I’ve gotten and accepted an over I’d still like to work with you regarding my resume and LinkedIn profile. Thank you so much again!
All the best

Our Respected Client
Senior Management. Globally leading SaaS provider
Vinnie Savino is a Sr Leader who has been there and done it all. His broad based knowledge of the private
sector on top of the many decades he has served the DoD means the transition advice you get from him will
land you your dream job. Proud to have him on my mentor short list.

Book a free consultation session here to see if we can help you with
your career challenges!